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The Arab Center for Sustaining Civil Work - Misr Al Khair Foundation

Opening Words

Prof. Dr. Ali Jumaa
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Misr El Kheir Foundation
We are part of this world, living its problems and challenges, and we all share this responsibility as peoples, organizations and individuals. We will strive together as civil society organizations and volunteer movements, with God’s grace and power, to effectively develop solutions to many pressing development issues, and provide effective solutions that contribute to getting out of the shackles of poverty and poverty. Achieving sustainable development goals, in their economic, social and environmental dimensions, and achieving quality of life for our Arab society, and we will continue to work on this in solidarity with our partners from local and international institutions.

Dr. Muhammad Rifai
CEO of Misr Al Khair Foundation
Misr El Kheir Foundation plays an important role in building the institutional capacities of NGOs. Through the NGO Development Program, the Foundation works to enable NGOs to be more effective and have a greater impact on the communities they serve, through the institutional development activities of NGOs that are implemented, with the aim of contributing to the creation of stronger and more sustainable NGOs. This is essential to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
The 16th Sustainable Development Goal stipulates the building of effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels, and the institutional development that is being implemented comes within the framework of building strong institutions and improving their capabilities in implementing the sustainable development goals with their strong institutional building.

Dr. Muhammad Mamdouh Abdullah
Head of the NGO Development Sector
Believing in the vital role that voluntary organizations can play in accelerating the achievement of sustainable development goals, addressing the negative effects of climate change, and supporting the stability and safety of societies, the Misr El Kheir Foundations NGO Development Sector established and launched the "Arab Center for the Sustainability of Civil Work" as a development work program, which is an important step that reflects the sectors permanent commitment to developing the performance of civil work organizations, not only at the local level, but also to influence the Arab region.
It is worth noting that during the founding phase, formulating its strategic directions, and designing its main services, the center relied on many studies and reports that address the reality of civil society organizations in the Arab region, in addition to the recommendations and outcomes of a number of roundtables for experts and stakeholders regarding civil society organizations. All of this helped us form a clear vision and determine our strategic direction and what we can offer and contribute as an Arab center specialized in supporting and developing civil society organizations and volunteer movements in the Arab region.
About the Center
Since its establishment in 2007, Misr Al Kheir Foundation has sought to contribute to achieving sustainable development within local communities by working on a number of development fields, namely: education, health, scientific research, social solidarity, and aspects of life. Believing that the integration of these areas can contribute to quality of life.
To achieve this vision, various work mechanisms were adopted within its strategy, including enabling local communities to participate in managing the development process, as well as working to develop the performance of civil society organizations and striving for these organizations to be sustainable organizations in order to achieve Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 is the goal concerned with “justice, peace and strong institutions.” Goal 16 is seen as the engine of progress and an enabling tool for all other goals of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, as without strong institutions the goals of sustainable development cannot be achieved, as the goals of Goal 16 indicate. The importance of having strong, effective institutions in accordance with the following objectives:
- Target 16.3: Strengthen the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all.
- Target 16.4: By 2030, significantly reduce illicit flows of money and weapons, promote the recovery and return of stolen assets and combat all forms of organized crime.
- Target 16.5: Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms.
- Target 16.6: Establish effective, transparent and accountable institutions at all levels.
- Target 16.7: Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels.
- Target 16.A.1: Strengthen relevant national institutions, in an effort to build capacity at all levels, especially in developing countries.

Therefore, the availability of strong and effective institutions is one of the requirements for achieving sustainable development, and civil society organizations are one of the most important community organizations concerned with the issue of development and achieving community peace and social justice.
To learn more about Misr Al Khair, please visit this link
To reinforce this trend, in 2019, the Foundation established and launched the “Misr Al-Kheir Unit to build the capabilities of civil society organizations to implement the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda” within the Civil Association Development Programme. It is a specialized technical support unit to support the efforts of Egyptian and Arab civil society organizations in achieving the 2030 sustainable development goals. It was based on a mechanism and strategy. The Misr Al-Kheir Unit worked to adopt an interactive, participatory education model targeting development practitioners and those in charge of managing NGOs. This model is based on knowledge, practice, and reviewing and criticizing development experiences, while working to strengthen internal governance mechanisms and their applications within NGOs, as well as working to encourage innovation in designing development interventions. Linking it to the sustainable development goals.
The unit also sought to work to provide opportunities to develop cooperation and joint work between Arab NGOs and to invest in each other in facing local and regional development challenges.
In order to contribute to achieving the strategy of the Misr El Kheir Foundation, which refers to contributing to the development and development of civil work, the Capacity Building Unit was reconstituted and transformed into a specialized center in 2023 under a new name, which is: "Arab Center for Sustaining Civil Work" As a work program specialized in supporting civil society organizations, the “Arab Center for Civil Work Sustainability” aims, in addition to the objectives of the previous unit, to strengthen the organizational and institutional capabilities of civil society organizations by helping them adopt modern administrative systems, quality systems, continuous improvement, and supporting the transition to institutional sustainability, in addition to developing practices. Developmental development among development practitioners, by supporting them with modern development methods, methodologies and tools that enhance their ability to bring about societal change and thus achieve sustainable development goals, as well as working to facilitate coalition building.
The services of the Arab Center for the Sustainability of Civil Work include providing technical and training consultations and services related to developing practical practices for civil society organizations, supporting green youth initiatives, and supporting the digital transformation of civil society organizations.
The Arab Center for Sustainable Civil Action also seeks to enhance cooperation and partnership between civil society organizations, governments, the private sector and civil society in the Arab world, and to achieve sustainable development in the Arab region.
Arab Center for Sustaining Civil Work
Vision and Message

Center Vision
Arab NGOs and volunteer initiatives are an active and influential partner in achieving sustainable development and quality of life in our Arab societies.
Center Message
We strive, with all effort and professionalism, to be a regional house of expertise to develop Arab civil work efforts, including its components, civil organizations and volunteer initiatives, out of our belief in their effective and influential role in achieving sustainable development and confronting the negative effects of climate change in order to promote peace and societal stability and achieve quality of life in our Arab societies.
Center objectives
- Improving the development and institutional performance of civil society organizations and linking them to sustainable development goals.
- Contributing to building development cadres working within Egyptian and Arab NGOs, working to motivate them to adopt modern administrative systems and principles of good governance, and making them aware of the concepts and strategies of development work based on the approach of sustainable development.
- Encouraging community initiatives and volunteer movements, especially among young people, to grow and work professionally, as volunteering is considered one of the important tributaries in improving the performance and sustainability of civil work organizations.
- Providing a participatory learning environment to exchange experiences, skills and knowledge between experts and workers in all areas of sustainable development and the development of civil society organizations, which will reflect positively on improving the performance of civil society organizations and ensuring their sustainability.
- Encouraging experts and civil society leaders to produce local development models that can be replicated in different environments.
- Increasing awareness among individuals concerned with the development issues and visions presented, especially those related to Egypt’s Vision 2030, and the role of civil society organizations in confronting these issues.
- Increasing the awareness of civil society organizations on sustainable development issues, in addition to highlighting the best development practices by civil society organizations and community initiatives.
- Strengthening and creating a state of balance between the practices of civil society organizations within society and the environmental dimension, through civil organizations adopting the concept of transforming their practices into sustainable green practices.
Center Organizational Structure