Regional Development Exchange Programme
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- Regional Development Exchange Programme

The idea of the Regional Development Exchange Program comes in light of the responsibility that the Misr El Kheir Foundation assumes towards civil society organizations in the Arab region, a responsibility that aims to maximize the role of civil society organizations in contributing to achieving the 2030 sustainable development goals.
The program directly aims to qualify development practitioners and agents within local communities in the Arab world and work to provide them with modern skills, tools and methods that support their role in bringing about the desired positive change for their local communities and linking these efforts to the philosophy and principles of sustainable development and climate action.
The program adopts various educational methods that contribute to transferring development experiences and practices among them, as well as reviewing the accumulated experiences of the Misr El Kheir Foundation during its journey in developing local communities inside Egypt. These experiences led to the construction of development frameworks, tools, and work models based on the principles of sustainability, participation, and societal justice, and are repeatable and transferable. Other communities.
What do we mean by development exchange?
A platform that allows civil society leaders and those working in sustainable local development to exchange knowledge, skills, experiences and mutual support in their practice in order to support sustainable development efforts. Based on this, the development exchange program provides the opportunity for active leaders within the civil society to join it to provide them with knowledge and skills in an educational environment characterized by interaction and dialogue, reviewing lessons learned, and discussing realistic case studies among themselves to increase and exchange experiences, in addition to producing research papers and application plans.
Program Goals
- Building an educational platform to support civil society workers and sustainable development at the Arab level.
- Contributing to building local cadres to work in the field of sustainable development and civil work.
- Building bridges between workers and actors in the field of civil society work and sustainable development at the regional level to facilitate the transfer of expertise among them.
- Promoting Arab development issues of common concern to contribute to the emergence of regional Arab visions on addressing issues of sustainable development and civil work.
- Supporting regional Arab cooperation and solidarity between civil society organizations and civil society workers.
- Highlighting the effective and pioneering development experiences of Arab and Egyptian civil society organizations and exchanging experiences between them.
- Opening bridges of effective communication between civil society organizations at the level of the Arab world.
- Activating a multidisciplinary knowledge society within Egyptian and Arab civil society.
- Consolidating lasting connections to achieve impacts within local communities in Egypt and participating countries.
The latest regional programs for development exchange

Egypt's good fellowship "for the practitioner of sustainable local development"
33 training days within three monthsThe launch takes place soon

Leadership of Sustainable Development Goals 2030
10 training days within one monthThe launch takes place soon
Stages of implementing the development exchange program
First Stage
Choose the appropriate training path
Second Stage
Join the exchange program alumni network
Third Stage
Coexistence to transfer and enhance successful development experiences
Fourth Stage
Selecting distinguished individuals to join the training program (professional trainer)
Program Training Tracks
The program consists of (4) training tracks that cover the most important professional tracks within civil work. It also works to provide specialized cadres that meet the need for developing civil work. These tracks are:
First Track
Training Program (Misr El Kheir Fellowship for Sustainable Local Development Practitioner)
Second Track
Training Program (Leading the Sustainable Development Goals)
Third Track
Non-governmental organizations and the shift towards green practices
Fourth Track
Professional License for Professional Trainer
Describe the stages of implementing the Regional Development Exchange Programme
The Regional Development Exchange Program is a free scholarship to transfer expertise in which participants get the opportunity to exchange concepts, experiences and knowledge among themselves. The program consists of several stages:
The first stage: Choosing the appropriate training track (track approval)
- The appropriate track is chosen for the participant according to his field of experience in sustainable development and civil work.
- The participant is given one of the specialized training programs (Misr Al-Khair Fellowship - Professional Development Project Management - Sustainable Development Leadership - Institutional Development Specialist) and passes it with a very good grade to join (the second stage) field application activities and interactive workshops, whether (offline or online).
The second stage: Joining the exchange program alumni network
- Sustainability of receiving cognitive and practical services from all graduates of training programs.
- Quick access to professional consultations through the network.
- Unifying concepts and creating societal models that meet the requirements of the development process.
- Creating solutions to societal problems through development expertise available on the Internet.
The third stage: coexistence to transfer and enhance successful development experiences
- Participate in specialized interactive workshops to exchange relevant development experiences and concepts (offline – online).
- Providing a specific, time-bound opportunity to experience development practices implemented by a non-governmental organization and providing technical support to them to develop these practices.
- The organization is selected according to a set of criteria to ensure that the participant benefits from the process of living with, learning about, and criticizing the experiences of others.
- Carrying out several meetings with participants to transfer field experiences and acquired expertise and present the report.
The fourth stage: Selecting distinguished students from the tracks to join the training program (professional trainer)
- Qualifying the distinguished participants in the third stage and those who have the talent for training and preparing them as trainers to transfer the training tracks in the exchange program to non-governmental organizations in their countries under the supervision of the exchange program and in a way that contributes to disseminating the training tracks.
Program Qualification Strategy
1- Training:
Training sessions are considered the main activity in managing the program and achieving goals, as an interactive educational environment is provided through these sessions that allow the exchange of experiences, beacons, and skills among the participants, in addition to what work groups and case studies provide to enhance that goal, and interactive workshops/and individual assignments.
2- Designing Graduation Projects:
Designing graduation projects is one of the important activities that is required of the participant at the end of the training path to ensure that he possesses the skills required to apply what has been learned. This project is also discussed with an independent jury of specialists.
3- Coexistence and Exchange of Experiences:
It is one of the important strategies in program management, as through the various stages of the program, time-bound field opportunities are provided for full learning and living within one of the effective civil society organizations, provided that the participant is assigned a set of specific tasks within the civil society organization.
4- Discussion Sessions and Writing Reports:
One of the important strategies in the exchange program is that after the participant returns from the period of living, discussion sessions are organized to evaluate the experience that the participant went through and monitor the benefits and vision for developing the work and practices of the non-governmental organization that he lived in the field, in addition to writing a report to document that experience.
Target Group
- Workers in civil society organizations.
- Development workers in local administration.
- Owners of volunteer initiatives.
Criteria for Joining the Program
Each stage of application for the program has a set of conditions, but in general there are initial conditions for joining the first stage, which are:
- He must have experience working within civil society organizations or organizations concerned with local development for not less than 5 years.
- Within the countries of the Arab region and the Arabic-speaking African countries.
- He has a desire to learn and pass on experiences to others.
- He has no restrictions on traveling and moving outside his country.
- Implementing the required health procedures.
- Passing the tests and personal interviews to join the program.
- The age of the candidate ranges between 25-45 years at the time of implementing the program.
- He must be willing to commit to a full-time program for the duration of the program’s implementation.

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Ayah Allah Abd elhakeem
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مصطفى بتيتى
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Heba Samy
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