Volunteer programs at the Arab Club for Green Volunteering
Arab Fellowship for Green Volunteering
Introduction to the Training Program
The importance of this program “Arab Green Volunteering Fellowship” stems from the role that Arab volunteer movements can play in supporting sustainable development goals and climate action within Arab local communities. A UN report issued in 2018 recorded that the number of volunteers in the Arab world had reached 9 million people, constituting 8.2% of the total number of volunteers in the world, whose number is estimated at about 109 million people working full-time, as if they were in a paid job. Despite the community contributions made by volunteers throughout the Arab region, they still need to develop their community practices and link them to sustainable development and climate action, which is what the Arab Fellowship Program seeks to do by providing volunteers with modern methods for integrating sustainable development goals and climate action within their practices, as well as tools for sustainable social innovation as well. The program aims to build a platform for communication between Arab volunteers in order to exchange experiences and support in supporting and spreading a culture of green volunteering.
Program Duration
12 training days
Target Group
Volunteer leaders and community initiative owners across the Arab world
Program Start
During the period from December 2024 to February 2025
Program Objectives
The main objectives of the program:
Spreading the culture of green volunteering among Arab youth and linking their initiatives to sustainable development and climate action
Sub-objectives of the program:
1_Work to highlight the important role of volunteers and build their capabilities at the level of the Arab world
2_Building the capabilities of volunteers and qualifying them for societal change
3_Encouraging Arab volunteers to create more effective and influential community initiatives in the development process
Training units
First level: Sustainable development and climate action
The first unit: goals and dimensions of sustainable development
Unit Two: Policies adopted by organizations to achieve the 2030 sustainable development goals
Unit Three: Review of the Arab Charter for Non-Governmental Organizations for Climate Action
Unit Four: Raising awareness of the importance of the role of individuals and communities in climate action issues
Level Two: Volunteering is a life
Unit One: Volunteer Management
Unit Two: Identifying the most important policies governing the volunteering process (rights and duties)
Unit Three: The positive psychological and material effects of the volunteering process
Unit Four: Challenges of the volunteering process and how to overcome them
Unit Five: Getting to know the volunteer charter
The third level: sustainable innovation in civil society organizations
The first unit: innovation and sustainable development
Unit Two: Strategies for sustainable development innovation
Unit Three: Integrating sustainable development innovation into development projects
Fourth level: Community initiatives, roles and applications
The first unit: designing community initiatives
Unit Two: Challenges facing community initiatives and proposals to overcome them
Unit Three: How to design advertising campaigns for initiatives
Unit Four: Applied models for local initiatives
_ Attending the training course no less than 75% of the program time
- Submitting a graduation project at the end of the training program