Training Courses in Institutional Capacity Building
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- Training Courses in Institutional Capacity Building
Training Courses within the Performance Development Laboratory
One of the important interventions of the Performance Development Laboratory in developing the civil organization is to work on qualifying the organization’s employees, raising their administrative efficiency, and increasing their development knowledge, as human resource development in any organization is the most influential element in the organization’s performance. The training topics that the employees will be exposed to are determined immediately after conducting a study to estimate the training needs of the organization’s human resources, and then developing a training plan in partnership with them. The training process includes guided training in training rooms, interactive online sessions, live exercises, and field visits to learn about the successful experiences of other organizations. International standards and conditions were taken into account in designing the training curricula so that they provide the participant with the latest knowledge and methods in what is presented in topics related to the management of organizations or the design and implementation of development interventions. It was also taken into account that these trainings focus on the topics of institutional governance, institutional excellence, good management, and achieving institutional sustainability for civil society organizations.
Latest of Training Courses
Design and management of financial and administrative systems in civil society organizations
5 training daysalmost
Professional competencies for a sustainable local development practitioner
5 training daysalmost
Community study methodology based on community participation
3 training daysNovember 19, 2024
Methods of mobilizing resources and securing funding for NGOs
3 training daysMay 28, 2024
Designing sustainable development projects and writing financing proposals
3 training daysNovember 7, 2023
Introduction to development project management processes in NGOs
3 training daysIt starts on September 5 and ends on September 7
Training and Qualification Strategy
The training courses were designed with a scientific methodology aimed at helping those in charge of NGOs adopt the best administrative methods and strategies and develop the institutional capabilities of their organizations. Training in its management depends on participation and interaction between participants to transfer scientific and practical practices and expertise to reach the best practices in managing NGOs and the trend towards quality and institutional excellence. .
Target Group
- Workers and volunteers in Egyptian NGOs affiliated with the Performance Development Laboratory.
Conditions for applying for capacity building courses
- Age range from 20 to 50 years.
- He must have at least 3 years of civil work experience.
- He must be an employee or volunteer in an organization registered with the Performance Development Laboratory
- He must have experience in using computers.
Advantages of Taking the Course
- The trainee receives a participant bag belonging to the training course in which he participated.
- At the end of the training course, the trainee is given a certificate of participation accredited by several local and international bodies.
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