Training Courses in Institutional Capacity Building
Resource filling methods and financing management in civil organizations

Training Description
The availability of resources in its various classifications and the ability of the organization to attract it is one of the most important issues affecting the sustainability of the civil organization and its performance within society and its ability to meet societal needs. Especially in light of the demand that the development of civil organizations from their societal role is to go towards increasing their contribution to comprehensive development and sustainable development, which requires mobilizing the maximum amount of resources in a sustainable way that achieves its institutional insurance in the future. This training course is designed to support the ability of organizations to mobilize resources and manage financing within the community and provide them with a strategic building mechanisms to manage financing and deal with donors and social responsibility for companies and organize donation campaigns from individuals within society.

Training Period
3 training days
Target Group
Project managers, development programs and employees of civil organizations
Training Start
May 28, 2024
Training Goals
Main Goals:
Participants enable the design of a strategy to fill community resources as one of the requirements for achieving the institutional sustainability of their organizations.
Secondary Goals:
By the end of this training course, the participants have the ability to:-
1. Knowledge of the necessary knowledge with the concept of resource mobilization and the process of financing.
2 .. Understanding and applying different mechanisms, resource filling strategies and financing management.
3. Implement and management of resource filling campaigns and financing management.
4. Learn about the different patterns of financiers and donors and how to deal with it.
Main Topics
Sustainable development as an introduction to the development of society.
- The most important requirements for achieving sustainable development goals.
- The relationship of resource mobilization and financing management with civil organizations with the requirements of achieving sustainable development goals.
- About civil society organizations and basic concepts in mobilizing resources and managing financing
Community participation and volunteering
- Self -financing for the organization, resource types and sources
CSR social responsibility
The importance of resource mobilization
Partnership and networking
- Resource departments surrounding the organization and the skills of those in charge of the financing process
Grants and external financing
Writing resource filling proposals
- The resource system and its importance to the organization
Designing resource filling campaigns, resource filling mechanisms and mechanisms
Human, financial and informational resources
- Publicity and social marketing
- Obstacles to mobilizing resources, financing management, and overcoming proposals
Databases and their importance in managing financing.
Practical applications

Dr. Walid Sayed

A/ Aladdin Salah al -Din
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