Community need is a path to development
Friday 3-24-2023 Written by / Alaa Rashwan We, as civil society organizations, rely in our work on estimating the actual needs of individuals within communities according to the fields of each organization. These estimates may match the actual needs of society in most societies, but they may often need to know what individuals need. In fact, organizations must strive to develop their projects and activities to meet these needs, achieve goals and effects, and enhance the ability to change within society. To estimate the actual need of any society, the main conditions must be studied. Represented by the environmental and health situation, educational situation, economic aspects, social and cultural factors, available resources, and community leaders within society. We, as civil society organizations, must have many different methods and skills that enable us to estimate actual community needs. The methods are represented in knowing the historical overview of the community, focus group discussions, semi-organized interviews, secondary sources, daily routines, maps, progression, problem analysis, seasonal calendar, and finally the organizational chart. Skills include the ability to accurately diagnose the problem and the skill of using data collection tools. Finally, in order to stimulate real development, there must be actual and real monitoring of the needs of society and identifying Priority problems and work on them.