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Mr. Ahmed Abdel Fattah
Personal Information
  • Name: Mr. Ahmed Abdel Fattah
  • Work Fields: Institutional development
  • Country: Egypt
  • Bio:

    He has been working in the field of community development and civil work for 10 years. He provided many consultations and trainings in the fields of community development and capacity building of civil society organizations. He participated in developing plans to build the capacities of civil society organizations. He worked as a facilitator for professional guidance and guidance affiliated with the German International Cooperation Organization (GIZ). He trained Graduating batches of university students for the Start Your Project (BYB) community entrepreneurship program. He participated in preparing and implementing training for civil society organizations in implementing the sustainable development agenda and Egypt’s Vision 2030. He participated in preparing and leading youth forums to support identity and the spirit of Egyptian citizenship, implemented through the Ministry of Youth and Sports and some organizations. eligibility, He holds a certificate (Sustainable Development Specialist) from the National Institute for Governance and contributed to the preparation and development of 25 training packages in the field of life skills, capacity building, and development of civil society organizations.