Training Courses in Institutional Capacity Building
Designing and managing community initiatives in civil society organizations
Training Description
This training course aims to present the concept of community initiatives and their approaches. The idea of community initiatives involves citizenship, community service, and the role of the individual in community development, as initiatives are undoubtedly a basic pillar in achieving community participation and community building. This training course will address methods for identifying societal needs according to its priorities. This training course will also address the stages from which community initiatives are formed according to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Training Period
3 training days
Target Group
Pioneers of sustainable civil society work, executive leaders, volunteer officials, and volunteers in civil society organizations
Training Start
Training Goals
Main Goals:
Enabling participants to design community initiatives in accordance with the philosophy and goals of sustainable development 2030.
Secondary Goals:
By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:
Learn about the concept of community initiatives and their origins.
Monitoring the forms of community initiatives.
Knowing the importance of social entrepreneurship and its role in the development of the individual and society.
Identifying the challenges facing initiative owners.
Applying initiative team formation methods.
Planning community initiatives and the stages of forming initiatives.
Organizing and forming the administrative structure and selecting work teams.
Implementing and implementing initiatives and facing challenges and difficulties.
Follow up and evaluate the initiative and measure its impact.
Designing community initiatives.
Discussing the role of community initiatives in supporting the state’s efforts.
Designing advertising campaigns for community initiatives (marketing initiatives).
Main Topics
- Sustainable development as an entry point for community development.
- The most important requirements for achieving the sustainable development goals.
- The relationship of designing and managing community initiatives to the requirements of achieving sustainable development goals.
- Basics in community initiatives
- Areas of community initiatives and their various forms
- The role of initiatives in developing society and providing solutions to its problems
- Planning for community initiatives in terms of: (forming the work team - implementing the initiatives - monitoring and evaluation - social marketing of the initiatives)
- Community Initiatives Worksheet (Practical Applications)
To obtain a certificate of passing the training course, you must adhere to the following:
1. Attending all training days at a rate of no less than 75%.
2. Interaction during training with the trainer and participants
3. Implementing the practical applications required daily
4. Submitting the graduation project on the specified date
Ms. Nashwa Hassan
Mr. Ahmed Abdel Fattah
Submit a Request to Participate in Training
You must log in first to request participation in the training
إسلام حسين مايز
Jan 6, 2023شكراً لكم
شريف عبدالمنعم
Feb 14, 2023مدرب متميز وتدريب جيد ، وأتمنى تكراره مع زيادة الوقت وعرض نماذج أكثر للمبادرات
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