NGO Alumni Network

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Islamic Charitable Society in Nag Al Dar
Personal Information
  • Name: Islamic Charitable Society in Nag Al Dar
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Montaser Mahmoud Muhammad Rizk
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: Luxor
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 1063063123
  • Bio:

    The Islamic Charitable Society in Nag al-Dar is a non-governmental civil society association registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs No. 426 of 1993 dated September 18, 1993 AD. It includes a group of cadres, volunteers and workers in its various agencies of both sexes, representing all segments of society. It provides many projects to serve the local community, as follows:
    1. Building resilience of food security systems in Upper Egypt - climate change project 2. Bedaya project for the development of Al-Shuyoub village - Esna
    3. Employing young people in environmental clean-up campaigns in Al-Murais and Al-Dabbiya centers
    4. The initiative’s project for soft lending