Islamic Charitable Society in Al-Madamud
Personal Information
- Name: Islamic Charitable Society in Al-Madamud
- Foundation Contact Person Name: Hajjaj Abdul Rahim Morsi
- Foundation Contact Person Email:
- Governorate: Luxor
- Graduation Year: 2023
- Foundation Contact Person Phone: 1112975173
Name / Islamic Charity in Madamud, Nag Al-Saayda
Publicity / 1993 AD
Publication No. / 405
Number of members: 25 members
Number of Board of Directors: 7 members
Association account/Egyptian Agricultural Bank in Luxor
Account number: 193, basic account: 3333, a free account for Misr Al Khair activities
An overview of the association’s supervision of the aid received to the village
The association supervised the aid received to the village of Al-Madamud, which is a village consisting of fourteen hamlets, and since the association is the first in charitable, voluntary and social work, as it was established in 1993 AD, at that time there were no others in the entire village, so it did the following
1/ Supervising the construction of the Al-Azhari Institute in Al-Madamud, primary, preparatory and secondary
The personal efforts amounted to approximately 300 thousand pounds
More than 75 thousand pounds were also received from donors
It also began the construction and finishing process until receipt from the Al-Azhar region
2/ Supervising the construction of the wall of the Muslim cemeteries in Nag Abu Tarbush
An amount of 20 thousand pounds was received from Luxor Governorate
The association settled the amount and delivered the settlement to the governorate
She also supervised the completion and finishing of the pictures
3/ Supervising the aid received to Al-Jarawat Mosque
An amount of 10 thousand pounds was received from the Zinnia Council, the amount was settled, and evidence was delivered.
The association also monitored the work progress of the mosque until it was finished and handed over to the Endowments Directorate in Luxor
4/ Supervising the Holy Qur’an memorization office in Nag Gad Al-Karim
An amount of 13,500 thirteen thousand five hundred Egyptian pounds was received and nothing more
The association built a memorization office and supplemented it with self-efforts
The documents proving the disbursement were delivered to the donor
The association also provided mattresses and Qur’ans to the children of the Antiques Office
5/ Supervising the construction of the Nag Abid Ali Mosque in Al-Madamud
An amount of 10 thousand pounds was received from Luxor Governorate to build the mosque
The association settled the amount and delivered the documents proving the disbursement
It also supervised the construction until finishing, furnishing, and handing it over to the Endowments
6/ Supervising the construction of Al-Mamadoud Central Bank
The association supervised the construction of the entire central bank through its own efforts
As no financial assistance was received from any government agency or donor
The association carried out the construction and finishing to the fullest extent until completion and delivery were completed
The association has followed up the work until installing the Internet line and updating the networks.