NGO Alumni Network

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Local Community Development Association in Kafr Qarshum
Personal Information
  • Name: Local Community Development Association in Kafr Qarshum
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Nazih Salem Abdulaziz Farhat
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: Menoufia
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 01067381492
  • Bio:

    The Kafr Qarshum Local Community Development Association was registered under No. 970 of 2001. Its scope of work includes Menoufia Governorate. One of its most important goals is that it seeks to reach sustainable development goals. Its most important work is sponsoring orphans, helping families in need, organizing free medical convoys, the Sitra project for ceiling molding and water connections, and the Iftar project for fasting people. And holding educational seminars, a project for sustainable treatment of chronic diseases, helping families in the educational process, establishing a charitable medical clinic, contributing to paying off the debt of debtors, contributing to performing free medical operations for the incapable, contributing to preparing brides, and working to establish partnerships with major associations.