NGO Alumni Network

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Association in the footsteps of the beloved
Personal Information
  • Name: Association in the footsteps of the beloved
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Mahmoud Taha Ahmed Taha
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: Luxor
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 1003044908
  • Bio:

    In the Footsteps of the Beloved Charitable Association in Luxor is a civil society association registered with the Ministry of Social Solidarity under No. 112 of 2006. It includes a group of cadres, volunteers and workers in its various agencies of both sexes, representing all segments of society. It offers many projects to serve the local community. They are as follows: (listing the most prominent projects implemented by the association in the last three years)
    1- An initiative to beautify and clean the local community and raise awareness of the dangers of the new Corona virus Covid-19.
    2- An opportunity project to provide job opportunities for young people and empower them in society in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Solidarity (being prepared)
    3- Sacrifice bonds project with the Misr Al-Khair Foundation.
    3- A health care project for cases registered with the association in cooperation with medical institutions and analysis laboratories.
    4- Cooperation and partnership protocol with the General Authority for Health Insurance to raise awareness of health risks for children... and implement medical campaigns to detect diabetes and high blood pressure.
    5- Cooperation and partnership protocol with the Nile Media Center in Luxor to implement a number of seminars and lectures related to awareness of population increase... and the Get Green initiative... smart green institutions... national participation in the presidential elections... awareness of the risks. Domestic violence...and other seminars and lectures.
    6- A cooperation protocol with the Population Unit in Luxor Governorate to provide medical services to the incapable at a nominal fee and through well-established medical institutions.
    7- Cooperation and partnership with the Decent Life Foundation to help needy and unable families and provide them with a decent life
    8- A strategic cooperation and partnership protocol with the Misr El Kheir Foundation within the framework of supporting partner institutions.
    9- Job Search Club project in cooperation with the International Labor Organization (IOL).

    The association presented these projects in light of societal needs to aim to provide a decent life for the community’s residents and in line with the state’s development plan and Egypt’s Vision 2030.