People of Egypt Foundation for Community Development and Service
Personal Information
- Name: People of Egypt Foundation for Community Development and Service
- Foundation Contact Person Name: Rasha Jad Ahmed
- Foundation Contact Person Email:
- Governorate: Sohag
- Graduation Year: 2024
- Foundation Contact Person Phone: 01005054353
The People of Egypt Foundation for the Development and Community Service is a non -profit civil institution, we seek to provide charitable and development work for all members of society in all fields. It was established in accordance with Law (84) of 2002 and its executive regulations and famous number 1547/68 of 2019 in Sohag, under the supervision and supervision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity and its conditions according to Law 149 of 2019 AD. With a general benefit adjective (according to Resolution No. 826 of 12/26/2022 AD). The scope of its work at the level of the Republic. We aim to raise societal awareness in all fields, care for the most needy groups in particular, and develop the skills of young men and women through distinguished programs, projects, activities and effective partnership with the relevant authorities to contribute to solving their problems and developing their capabilities and building human cadres capable of building a strong society that prevails in justice Social and moral and moral values areas of the Foundation's work. Development of local communities in the following fields: social- educational- health- cultural- economic sponsorship of families and services- social assistance- sponsorship of private groups and disabled people- protecting and preserving environmentals- field of training- field of cultural, scientific and religious services, the most important achievements of the institution • social solidarity and fighting poverty • Young knowledge development, training and preparation for the creation and management of various projects.