NGO Alumni Network

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Rahma Association for Community and Childhood Development
Personal Information
  • Name: Rahma Association for Community and Childhood Development
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Fathia Al-Saeed Kamel Zidane
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: The lake
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 1008696821
  • Bio:

    Rahma Association for Community and Childhood Development is a civil society association registered with the Ministry of Social Solidarity under No. 968 of 2004. It includes a group of cadres, volunteers and workers in its various agencies of both genders, representing all segments of society. It offers many projects to serve the local community. They are as follows: (listing the most prominent projects implemented by the association in the last three years)
    1 - Youth employment project in environmental clean-up campaigns in the Kom Hamada Center - Al-Toud village, the funding agency is the Medium, Small and Micro Enterprise Development Agency, targeting 30,500 families. (Finished)
    2 - The revolving loan project to implement development projects, the financing entity, the Social Solidarity Directorate, has so far targeted 321 borrowers of both genders. (Ongoing)
    3 - Economic Development Loan Project in Beheira Governorate (1) The financing agency is the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency, targeting so far 850 borrowers (women only). (Ongoing)
    4 - Loan for the rehabilitation and development of the poultry industry in Beheira Governorate (16). The financing body is the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency, targeting so far 419 borrowers of both sexes. (Ongoing)
    5 - A project to conduct computer courses, funded by the Directorate of Social Solidarity, targeting so far 1,600 individuals of both sexes. (Ongoing)
    The association presented these projects in light of societal needs to aim to provide a decent life for the community’s residents and in line with the state’s development plan and Egypt’s Vision 2030.