NGO Alumni Network

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Hayat Association for Sustainable Development
Personal Information
  • Name: Hayat Association for Sustainable Development
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Abdullah Muhammad Mustafa Huwaidi
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: The lake
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 1021272712
  • Bio:

    Hayat Association for Sustainable Development is a civil society association registered with the Ministry of Social Solidarity under No. 1964 of 2012. It includes a group of cadres, volunteers and workers in its various agencies of both sexes, representing all segments of society. It offers many projects to serve the local community, which are as follows: The following: (lists the most prominent projects implemented by the association in the last three years)
    1- An educated village project in cooperation with the US Agency for International Development and Save the Children.
    2- Establishing a station for purifying and filtering drinking water
    3- Establishing the Mostaqbal Misr nursery affiliated with the association
    4- Establishing a house of life for memorizing the Holy Quran
    5- Establishing a Hayat complex for sustainable development (a medical, social, and educational service complex under construction)
    6- Project program for expanding access to education and protecting children at risk, Association for Improving the Conditions of Women and Children in Sohag, in cooperation with UNICEF, the European Union, and the Ministry of Education
    7- The Build for Tomorrow program project, in cooperation with the Egyptian Food Bank, by setting up a kitchen to provide meals for kindergarten children

    The association presented these projects in light of societal needs to aim to provide a decent life for the community’s residents and in line with the state’s development plan and Egypt’s Vision 2030.