Qalaa Community Development Association
Personal Information
- Name: Qalaa Community Development Association
- Foundation Contact Person Name: Iman Abu Khatwa
- Governorate: Qena
- Graduation Year: 2023
- Foundation Contact Person Phone: 01018753619
Background about the association: -
The association was established on 1/4/ 1979 AD with a purpose Developing local communities culturally, socially, health-wise, politically, religiously and economically, leading to raising the level of awareness in addition to working to raise the level of income and creating a social balance within the community 0 p>
Association's message:-
We are the Qalaa Community Development Association, a civil society association. Not intended for profit No. 228 of 1979 AD in accordance with Law No. 32 of 1964 AD, and its conditions were reconciled in accordance with Amended Law No. 84 of 2002 AD. The association works to develop society and eliminate poverty, ignorance and disease without discrimination, and we work to advance society culturally, socially and religiously 0
The vision of the association :- Qalaa Village community is a maker of comprehensive and sustainable development to provide Life < span dir="ltr" lang="AR-EG" style="font-size:14.0pt">Karima strong> Per < /strong>Categories Community.< /span>
Association objectives:-
1- Developing the local community and raising its level socially And culturally 0
2- Cultural and scientific services Religious, health, environmental and economic0
3- Family planning and maternity care And childhood0