NGO Alumni Network

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Abu Ghazaleh Society for Community Development
Personal Information
  • Name: Abu Ghazaleh Society for Community Development
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Rifaat Metwally Abu Ghazaleh
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: The lake
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 1064732211
  • Bio:

    Abu Ghazaleh Society for Community Development Publication No. 1987 of 201 in the village of Abu Ghazaleh, Shubrakhit, Al-Beheira Scope of work Beheira Governorate Projects Educated Village Project A nursery working in the field of health, education, education, environment, and care for people with special needs, youth employment Economic empowerment of the family and the Egyptian Orphans Union, water and roof provision, in-kind and club aid, community participation everywhere and with all governmental and popular agencies