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Al-Huda Al-Nabawi Charity Association in Kafr Al-Batikh
Personal Information
  • Name: Al-Huda Al-Nabawi Charity Association in Kafr Al-Batikh
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Hossam Nasr Fahmy Al-Salous
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: Damietta
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 01002000149
  • Bio:

    Al-Huda Al-Nabawi Charitable Society in Kafr Al-Batikh, registered under No. 658 of 2012, serves the center and city of Kafr Al-Batikh. Among the most prominent projects that it is implementing, the association works in the following fields: 1. Childhood and motherhood care. 2. Family care. 3. Social assistance. 4. Geriatric care. 5. Caring for special groups and the disabled. 6. Cultural, scientific and religious services. 7. Development of local communities. 8. Organization and management. 9. Caring for prisoners. 10. Family planning. 11. Literary activity. 12. Social defense. 13. Protecting and preserving the environment. 14. Family economic development and income development. Activities of the Association: The Association achieves these areas through the following activities: • The Citizens Service Office, to serve the people of the city free of charge with regard to providing various administrative and office services, at the headquarters of the city’s Social Administration. • The Office of Social Monitoring and Aftercare is a social body specialized in caring for juveniles exposed to delinquency and deviants in their natural environments and examining children’s issues. • The Office of the Literacy Eradication Administration. The office’s goal is to serve learners and make them aware of the danger of illiteracy and the importance of education, spreading awareness in society, and urging illiterate people to love education, raise themselves to development, and participate in their community. In solving their problems, the Association does everything it can to cooperate with the Authority and the scholars to spread education and get rid of alphabetical illiteracy so that our country may live in the light of knowledge. • Reading the Holy Qur’an and memorizing it for a child from an early age is a process of faith and education that brings many positive benefits to the child, and the childhood stage is one of the most dangerous. The most important stages in a person’s life: • The sewing and crochet education academy, serving female breadwinners to implement their own project as a source of income. • Restoring old popular housing, which suffers from severe damage due to the harsh climate conditions in the region, for the sake of a decent life. • A car to honor the dead. The project provides a car to honor the dead and provides the tools and supplies you need. • Purchasing and preparing sacrificial animals and then delivering them to the homes of the beneficiaries. • The association distributes a number of blankets as a permanent activity at the beginning of each winter in order to serve the association’s beneficiaries and protect them from the cold of winter. • A comprehensive health guarantee for the orphan A Educationally and socially, it is provided on a monthly basis to help him meet the needs of life. Financial and in-kind sponsorship provided by the association on a monthly basis to people with limited income. • The association provides food bags monthly to cases according to the order of the case between (A, B, C..) to meet the food needs of the needy and the poorest. • Material assistance - contribution to paying rent - provision of medicines and medical equipment - marriage aid - debt payment - Providing furniture • Providing prescriptions for cases and supporting some cases in preparing medications. Providing health assistance in partnership with major institutions and private doctors, and providing operations for those in need. Providing some types of treatment for cases • Delivering water to most families • • The association provides the necessary courses for community empowerment within Kafr Al-Batikh and its suburbs • The first center accredited by the Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and Microsoft in Kafr Al-Batikh. • -Computer courses for all ages