NGO Alumni Network

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New Dawn Association for Community Development
Personal Information
  • Name: New Dawn Association for Community Development
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Dalia Amin Ali Ahmed Salama
  • Foundation Contact Person Email: elfgrelgdeeed2007@gmail
  • Governorate: Suez
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 1118381301
  • Bio:

    New Dawn Society for Community Development is a civil society association registered with the Ministry of Social Solidarity under No. 482 of 2007. It includes a group of cadres, volunteers and workers in its various agencies of both sexes, representing all segments of society. It began its development work (Orphan Day/Courses for members For their development/health awareness in schools with training from the World Health Organization/Ramadan bags/monthly bags ) Then the work developed (human development courses for members and youth within the association and in schools/ doing case research for deserving families and dividing them into categories to know the extent of their eligibility/ dividing the work of the association into case research committees , organizing events, human resources, public relations and advertising, small projects, our health) as the association provided services in multiple fields and developed its vision and work in light of societal needs to aim to work to provide a decent life for the residents of the villages, in addition to involving the targeted people in the general assembly to affirm their right to Design, evaluate and develop the interventions implemented by the association in communities.

    The association was established to deal with many gaps in society, which can be summarized as follows:

    Helping needy people and developing them by creating projects for them in partnership with the Misr El Kheir Foundation
    Establishing used clothing exhibitions
    Marriage of brides
    Running a blood donation campaign in the company with the Misr Al Khair Foundation
    Making sacrifices
    Misr Al-Khair work to provide meals to families
    Preparing suhoor meals in partnership with the Misr El Kheir Foundation
    Cooperating with the General Authority for Adult Education to eradicate the illiteracy of nearly 200 individuals
    Providing health awareness to all segments of society
    Exploiting young people’s time in useful work and developing their skills