NGO Alumni Network

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New Mansheya Association for Community Development
Personal Information
  • Name: New Mansheya Association for Community Development
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Ahmed Ibrahim Abdel Aziz Al-Sharqawi
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: Eastern
  • Bio:

    The New Mansheya Association for Community Development is a civil society association registered with the Ministry of Social Solidarity under No. 1235 of 2001. It includes a group of volunteer cadres and workers in its various agencies of both sexes, representing all segments of society. It offers many projects to serve the local community, namely As follows: (Mentions the most prominent projects implemented by the association in the last three years)
    1 - Village cleanliness project: -
    The Board of Directors succeeded in restarting the project again by self-financing the project from citizens’ subscriptions with a monthly subscription fee of only 20 pounds, twenty Egyptian pounds. The project’s revenues during the year amounted to 63,130, and the project’s expenses during the year amounted to 99,262, and the number of workers in the project was 8 individuals.< br /> 2. Rural Women Project:-
    The Board of Directors succeeded in contracting for the rural women’s project, which is divided into two parts: a production part for women’s projects, specializing in small projects, and the second part is specializing in microloans for small projects. It achieved revenues amounting to 1,168,421 pounds and expenses amounting to 110,038 pounds, with a surplus of 6,048 pounds.
    3. Hospital cleanliness project: -
    The Board of Directors succeeded in renewing the contract with Al-Husseiniya Central Hospital for another year and increasing the financial compensation for the contract from 175,000 to 292,000 for the new contract, and achieving savings for the association during the year

    4. Al-Husseiniya Sports Club security project: -
    The Board of Directors succeeded in contracting with the Board of Directors of Al-Husseiniya Sports Club for the association to maintain security in the club. The contract was concluded with the club and it achieved revenues amounting to 32,613 pounds and expenses amounting to 26,862 pounds, with a surplus of 3,567 pounds.
    5. Social assistance project: -
    There are 35 families benefiting from the project, and the project is still in effect until now, as well as disbursing a monthly subsidy to those who are unable.
    Orphan sponsorship project: -
    The Board of Directors disbursed a monthly subsidy of 25 pounds per month to each orphan child, in 33 cases. Other amounts and in-kind assistance were also disbursed to them on religious occasions and holidays, and there is a surplus in the project’s revenues to cover expenses for years to come.
    The association presented these projects in light of societal needs to aim to provide a decent life for the community’s residents and in line with the state’s development plan and Egypt’s Vision 2030.