Helwan Community Development Corporation
Personal Information
- Name: Helwan Community Development Corporation
- Foundation Contact Person Name: Zainab Ali Abdul Latif
- Foundation Contact Person Email: bashayerhelwan@yahoo.com
- Governorate: Cairo
- Graduation Year: 2024
- Foundation Contact Person Phone: 01281577553
Helwan Corporation for Community Development is restricted by the number 5859 of 2004 Our vision: The Justice and Gender Equality Society and Sustainable Development: Our message: The Foundation is concerned with sustainable development issues in Egypt from a human rights perspective, and works to enable the groups most in need of providing services and initiatives and organizing campaigns that stimulate their participation in Development and benefit from them, the Foundation is concerned with gender issues and strengthening the status of women and their role in society from A human rights and development perspective, anti -discrimination and violence against women, and the Foundation works to support the values of equality and justice and non -discrimination between citizens and uphold the principle of citizenship stipulated in the Egyptian constitution. It is also concerned with spreading awareness in society to support the rights of youth, children, people with special needs and the elderly, and spread a culture of human rights, and the Foundation supports initiatives to develop the environment of local communities, especially random societies, support the civil movement, encourage volunteering, cooperation with NGOs, establish and participate in initiatives, campaigns, coalitions and networks Specific federations and the expansion of partnership with state institutions, especially local. Programs and Projects -Economic Empowerment Program is an unofficial productive cooperative -The Center for Civil Support Services, Family Guidance and Listening to Women Women -The Center for Educational and Educational Services for Women and Children (Eminent Women Education Copies / Tala'i Club for Children) -The Health and Environmental Rights Program -Volunteer Program