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Al-Rahma Charitable Society in Shebin El-Koum
Personal Information
  • Name: Al-Rahma Charitable Society in Shebin El-Koum
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Sarah Muhammad Naguib Saqr
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: Menoufia
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 1025591523
  • Bio:

    Al-Rahma Charitable Society is a private association registered with the Ministry of Social Solidarity under No. 1089 of 2004. It includes a group of volunteer cadres and workers in its various agencies of both sexes, representing all segments of society. It offers many projects to serve the local community, which are as follows : (Mentions the most prominent projects implemented by the association in the last three years)
    1. A project to support the Tanta Rehabilitation Office for People with Disabilities in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Solidarity and self-financing: The project aims to provide services to people with disabilities of all categories in the Tanta Center. The project also facilitates services for issuing integrated services cards and vocational rehabilitation. The project also integrates people with disabilities into society and raises Community awareness of people with disabilities and other services.

    2. “The Beginning of the Road” project, “Our Future is in Our Hands” initiative, in cooperation with the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development and the Enterprise Development Agency:
    The proposed project addresses the high unemployment rates in the center and city of Tanta by qualifying 705 young men and women in the age group from 21 to 45 years for the labor market through:
    - Administrative qualification component: 555 young men and women are provided with entrepreneurship skills and financial literacy, and a business plan is created for each beneficiary to help them start implementing a micro-project.
    - Technical qualification component: 150 young men and women in the age group from 21 to 45 years are provided with craft skills (manufacturing baked goods and sweets - sewing work - raising poultry with a battery system - manufacturing dairy extracts) to qualify them for the labor market
    - Microfinance component: The target group who have administrative and technical skills is given a loan of an average of 7,500 pounds and not more than 10,000 pounds to help them start micro-projects.
    - Financial inclusion component: 494 members of the target group will be included, representing a 70% rate of financial inclusion, and they will have bank or postal accounts and transactions by 2023.

    3. Project of the National Foundation for Family and Community Development in cooperation with the National Foundation for Family and Community Development:
    The project targets 100 young men and women who own micro-enterprises in the center of Tanta.
    The project aims to finance micro-enterprise owners from the formal and informal sectors in the Tanta Center to support and develop their projects
    Sub-objectives of the project:
    1- Financing 100 micro-enterprise owners in the Tanta Center, with an average loan of 10,000 pounds per project.
    2- Achieving 120 job opportunities in Tanta Center by the end of the project

    The association presented these projects in light of societal needs to aim to provide a decent life for the community’s residents and in line with the state’s development plan and Egypt’s Vision 2030.