NGO Alumni Network

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Najm Al Khair Foundation
Personal Information
  • Name: Najm Al Khair Foundation
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Laila Anwar Muhammad
  • Governorate: Eastern
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 1221037487
  • Bio:

    Najm Al Khair Foundation known by the Ministry of Social Solidarity under No. 2585 of 2012 including A group of cadres, volunteers and workers in its various agencies, of both sexes, representing all segments of society, presenting many projects to serve the local community, which are as follows::

    1. Feeding the poor and the poor
    2. Family sponsorship
    3. Ensuring education for the poor
    4. Children's Nursery
    5. Children's Nursery
    6. Micro projects
    7. Marriage of poor women
    8. Treating patients

    Responsible Contact: Laila Anwar Muhammad

    Contact number: 01221037487< /span>

    Governorate: Sharqiya

    Center : Second 10th of Ramadan City