NGO Alumni Network

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Professional Association for Human Development and Logistics
Personal Information
  • Name: Professional Association for Human Development and Logistics
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Madiha Owais Mustafa
  • Foundation Contact Person Email: •
  • Governorate: Fayoum
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 01027219911
  • Bio:

    Professionals Association for Human and Logistics Development< /span>

    Legal form< /span>

    Association Professionals for Human Development And logistics A civil association registered under No. 608 of 2005 in accordance with the Associations Law No. 84 of 2002. The scope of its work is at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the association has a headquarters in Fayoum Governorate.

    Contact address< /span>

    Ground floor, Cleopatra Tower - New Street - Fayoum Governorate


    01027219911< /span>

    Email< /span>


    The Professional Association for Human Development and Logistics seeks to serve marginalized communities In Fayoum Governorate in various aspects of life by promoting quality education, contributing to the economic empowerment of families in those communities, and preserving the environment in accordance with sustainable development goals.

    Messagemission < /span>

    The association serves communities Marginalized people in Fayoum Governorate to empower the target groups economically and socially, provide educational opportunities for those deprived of them, and preserve the environment by applying creative ideas to benefit from all kinds of waste, changing thinking towards solid waste management, and encouraging entrepreneurship in this field.