NGO Alumni Network

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Rowad Al-Khair Association for Development and Support of Rights in Jarfas
Personal Information
  • Name: Rowad Al-Khair Association for Development and Support of Rights in Jarfas
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Eid Othman Abdel Aleem Abdel Salam
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: Fayoum
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 01063113534 /0100598418
  • Bio:

    First: Basic information about the association /

    • Name of the association: Pioneers of Charity Association for Development and Support of Rights in Jerves
    • Formerly the Association for the Welfare of Professionals and Daily Work in Jarfas< /span>
    • Governorate : (Fayoum)
    • center : (snors)
    • The village : (Jarfas )
    • No. and date of the announcement : ( 1284 of 2012 )
    • Unified number (21141035418747)
    • Geographic scope of work : ( < span style="font-family:"Arial",sans-serif">Fayoum Governorate)
    • Email:< /strong>
    • Its administrative body:

    ( Directorate of Social Solidarity in Fayoum_Sinorus Social Administration < span style="font-family:"Arial",sans-serif">)

    • < span style="font-family:"Arial",sans-serif">Contact person:


    Eid Othman Abdel Aleem Abdel Salam

    Associative adjective< /span>

    Chairman of the Board of Directors

    01063113534 /0100598418

    Email < /span>

    Correspondence address< /span>

    Fayoum_Snors_Jarfas_Mosque Street Al-Zahra