Waatasamou Charitable Association in Benja
Personal Information
- Name: Waatasamou Charitable Association in Benja
- Foundation Contact Person Name: Hany Salah Al-Sayed
- Foundation Contact Person Email: w2tasemo.banga@gmail.com
- Governorate: Sohag
- Graduation Year: 2023
- Foundation Contact Person Phone: 01150432002
General background about the Wa'atasam Charity Association Benga
First, data Primary
- Name of the association :Watasam Charitable Association in Benja, Sohag Governorate
- Advertisement number and date: 1150 for the year 2012
- Scope Geography of the association : Sohag Governorate
- Telephone: 01150432002>T/F 01152695588
- Email : w2tasemo.banga@gmail.com< /li>
- Title: Banja Village, Tahta Center, Sohag Governorate
- Chairman of the Board Administration: Hany Salah El Sayed
- Responsible Contact: Hany Salah El Sayed