NGO Alumni Network

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The foundation for the development of local communities
Personal Information
  • Name: The foundation for the development of local communities
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Abdel Nasser Abdullah Mahmoud
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: Qena
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 01005454423
  • Bio:

    A civil society association registered with the MinistrySocial Solidarity under No. 817 of 2004 AD has the status of public benefit by Resolution No. (2802) of 2017 and includes a group of cadres, volunteers and workers. In its various bodies, both genders represent all segments of society. It began its development work with a group of activities and services represented by providing financial and in-kind assistance. Then the association implemented many projects in cooperation with many donors, including the youth employment project and the funder. From the European Union in partnership with the Social Fund for Development, the Rural and Agricultural Development Project, also in partnership with the Social Fund for Development, the Early Childhood Education Improvement Project, funded by the Canadian Agency, the email project in partnership with Liwa al-Islam Society, and funded by the Child Relief Foundation/United Nations, and the garbage collection project in cooperation with the Environmental Affairs Agency. And the project to improve the quality of education in the early childhood stage in cooperation with Plan International, and the project to raise awareness of reproductive health, maternal and childhood care in cooperation with the Cretas Egypt Association, and the My Dear Daughter project, which is funded by the Coptic Orvans Association, and the project to support children’s rights in partnership with Plan International, and the Tahsin project. The economic level of poor families, funded by Plan Inter National and My Life is Precious project, funded by Plan Inter National, the goat breeding project in partnership with the Egyptian Initiative for Integrated Development (Al-Nidaa), the silkworm breeding and natural silk production project in partnership with the Egyptian Initiative for Integrated Development (Al-Nidaa) and the Art Project. For everyone, in partnership with the Ana Masry Association, the Youth for Society Project, in partnership with the Insan Aid Foundation, and the Youth Makers Project, in partnership with the Redek Association, in addition to a lot of aid for the people, represented in medical convoys with the Orman Association, the Ten Buffalo Project, home rehabilitation, good loans, and water connections to homes, and also by the Association. A social, cultural club and future nursery in the association, where the association provided services in multiple fields and developed its vision and work in light of community needs to aim to work to provide a decent life for village residents, in addition to involving the targeted people in the general assembly to confirm its right to design, evaluate and develop the interventions implemented by the association in communities.