NGO Alumni Network

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Salsabil for faith in God
Personal Information
  • Name: Salsabil for faith in God
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Shukri Shukri Khaled
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: Ismailia
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 01272011242
  • Bio:

    Biography of the Salsabil Association for Faith in God

    Name of the first official: Shukri Shukri Khaled (Chairman of the Board of Directors)< /span>

    Name of the second official: Muhammad Ibrahim Abu Zaid ( Treasurer )< /span>

    Association phone number: 01272011242


    About the association

    The Salsabil Association for Faith in God is a civil society association registered under the Ministry of Social Solidarity, registered under No. 577 of 2011, and includes a group of workers, volunteers, and cadres in Its various agencies of both genders and representatives of many poor villages began their development work within the framework of (social assistance in all fields, child and maternity care, family care, cultural, scientific, sports and religious services, care for the elderly, care for special groups and the disabled, and the provision of medical services through medical convoys and development. economic through establishing some development projects for some of the most needy families, organizing and managing through some cultural seminars, protecting the environment through some seminars to remind the importance of the environment and preserving it, planting trees to create a green environment, human rights, and educational services through creating a book to teach young children the Holy Quran and creating... Some strengthening groups for incapable students, the establishment of literacy classes, the association holding winter campaigns by providing some blankets and establishing clothing exhibitions for the poorest in need, and the association participating in responding to natural disasters such as floods and others, and unnatural disasters such as fires.< /span>