NGO Alumni Network

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Message of Nour Ali Nour
Personal Information
  • Name: Message of Nour Ali Nour
  • Governorate: Giza
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Bio:

    The “Nur Ali Nour Message” Association is a non-governmental organization It was founded by the late journalist Ahmed Farrag, and was declared on 3/17/2007 under the number 2855 under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity. It is a non-profit organization whose main headquarters is located in Shabramant, Giza, on the Saqqara tourist road, while its subsidiary headquarters are located in: Al-Arish, Aswan. , Halayeb and Shalatin, while the association carries out its various charitable activities nationwide in the governorates of Giza, Aswan, North Sinai, Qena and the Red Sea (Shalatin and Halayeb).

    The association's objectives are:< /span>

    1. Combat poverty and unemployment
    2. Health and scientific services for those in need
    3. Community development and sustainable development

    The association provides its services to the largest number of individuals in communities The poorest, most of whom have idle energy and are unable to provide the basic needs of food, clothing, and human housing, hoping to transform them into working energy that is beneficial to them and society, and then achieve steps towards reform and sustainable community development.