NGO Alumni Network

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Tarahum Charitable Foundation
Personal Information
  • Name: Tarahum Charitable Foundation
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Samah Moin Farah
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: Damietta
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 01007140818
  • Bio:

    Tarahum Foundation for Charitable Works is a non-profit organization established in 2019 AD, registered under No. 809 of 2019 AD. Its status has been adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Law Regulating the Practice of Private Work No. 149 of 2019 AD. It operates throughout the Arab Republic of Egypt in general and seeks to develop the local community in the governorate. Damietta and developing the capabilities of individuals through raising awareness and enhancing community participation of different groups, especially youth and women, with the aim of enabling them to live in dignity and providing a safe life within equal opportunities for all. The Foundation also seeks to serve as a link between donor institutions on one side and the local community on the other side, especially since many members of society are suffering. From marginalization and lacking many needs and requirements, which makes the process of concerted community efforts an important priority for the Foundation. Among the most prominent achievements that the Foundation has achieved through its projects are the Solidarity Sector Project - Education Sector Projects - Health Sector Projects - Al-Gharmin Sector Projects - Projects to Support Scientific Research and Innovation - Manahi Projects Life -