NGO Alumni Network

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Al-Siddiqia Foundation for Social and Cultural Services
Personal Information
  • Name: Al-Siddiqia Foundation for Social and Cultural Services
  • Foundation Contact Person Name: Jihan Zaki Shaker
  • Foundation Contact Person Email:
  • Governorate: Giza
  • Graduation Year: 2020
  • Foundation Contact Person Phone: 01030600814
  • Bio:

    The Al-Siddiqia Foundation, a member of the National Alliance for Civil Development Work, worked in community service in several areas, the most prominent of which was the Humaythra convoys, which included a lot of aid for the people, including medical aid, food materials, clothing, and aid. It also worked in preparing the Azza convoys from Bab Nour Workshop’s aid, which includes... More than 200 women were trained in handicrafts, and a distinctive product was produced for them with Egyptian hands and Egyptian materials. Language education and behavior modification classes for adults and children, and the Boy Scouts team, which had an effective impact in the areas most in need.