Regional Program Alumni Network

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Samiha Aboud Muhammad Al-Hanashi
Personal Information
  • Name: Samiha Aboud Muhammad Al-Hanashi
  • Program: Leading the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
  • Work Place: Inqaz Foundation for Development/Al Amal Women’s Cultural and Social Foundation
  • Country: Yemen
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Bio:

    It has been working in the field of training and providing consultations in the field of institutional building and entrepreneurship since 2013. With a number of local agencies and funds (Social Fund for Development - Youth Support Fund - Small and Yellow Enterprises Development Agency - Al-Amal Foundation for Entrepreneurship - Administrative Development Research and Training Administration - Governorate Hadhramaut)
    He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Science and Education, Hadhramout University, 2007, a Master’s degree in Educational Administration, Hadhramout University, 2021, with a study on educational crisis management in the Office of Technical Education and Vocational Training, a preliminary doctorate in educational administration, Hadhramout University, 2023.