Regional Program Alumni Network

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Karina Khalil Naqqash Shaaban
Personal Information
  • Name: Karina Khalil Naqqash Shaaban
  • Program: Leading the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
  • Work Place: National Development Youth Association
  • Country: Lebanon
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Bio:

    She holds a baccalaureate in law and political science from the Lebanese University 1998, a master’s degree from Al-Sikma University in the management of civil society organizations and international organizations, a respected trainer. From UNICEF in the field of life skills, a professional trainer from the Ministry of Education on the subject of community service.
    She established the Maqasid Volunteers Unit in the Maqasid Islamic Charitable Society in Beirut, and won several awards, including the Sharjah Award as first place for volunteer work, and they received European accreditation
    European Solidarity Corps It is a youth exchange program. The association established seven volunteer clubs and trained nearly 3,000 young men and women in leadership and life skills. She established volunteer programs, including volunteer work camps and community service, and represented Lebanon in the American Association for Volunteer EffortsIAVE. I served as a certified commander in the Maqasid Civil Defense in the field of relief.
    She currently works in the field of life skills training through UNICEF and founded the Youth National Development Association
    YND She holds the position of volunteer activities officer in Lebanon at the Arab Volunteer Union - Bahrain. It has many programs, including interactive volunteering for the elderly. She attended many international conferences and published working papers on youth and volunteer policies. She has been accredited as a trainer in the field of life skills and positive leadership in many associations.