Regional Program Alumni Network

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Anas Maarouf Ibrahim Okba
Personal Information
  • Name: Anas Maarouf Ibrahim Okba
  • Program: Leading the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
  • Work Place: Yemen Mun Club
  • Country: Yemen
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Bio:

    I worked in several humanitarian stations as a health officer, field surveyor, and data management, in addition to my participation in Arab League simulation conferences (Secretary Assistant General) and Model United Nations (Greece representative) in addition to my enrollment in several training programs, including Young LeadersYLP 6 and Youth Against Stigma and Discrimination affiliated with UNESCO and a member of the Sahsah Youth Awareness Platform.
    He is one of the founders of the Model United Nations Alumni Club
    Yemen MUN ALUMNI CLUBaffiliated with the Justice for Development Foundation Legal.