Regional Program Alumni Network

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Basma Yassin Sharaf Al-Qudsi
Personal Information
  • Name: Basma Yassin Sharaf Al-Qudsi
  • Program: Leading the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
  • Work Place: Kayan Lite Business Incubator
  • Country: Yemen
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Bio:

    She has been working for more than 12 years, during which she provided many training programs and consultations, as she worked for civil society organizations and development institutions since 2011 in The field of training and providing consultations, especially in the field of economic empowerment for youth.
    - I am interested in the field of environmentally and socially sustainable development, especially in the economic field, and I work to integrate sustainable development goals into economic empowerment programs directed at youth
    - I also worked in the field of vocational guidance and counseling, as well as training related to job skills.
    - I am interested in the field of institutional building and have obtained many relevant training programs, as I hold a diploma in human resources management and a diploma in quality management and control from the International Finance Corporation and other courses in strategic planning and sustainable development.
    - She holds a pre-Master’s degree in Business Administration, a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Media.