Regional Program Alumni Network

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Amani Atallah Michael Cherubim
Personal Information
  • Name: Amani Atallah Michael Cherubim
  • Program: Diploma in developing financial resources for NGOs
  • Work Place: Coordinator in the Bishopric of Services in the project to combat harmful practices and gender-based violence in partnership with the Embassy of Norway / Peacemakers Project - Bishopric of Public and Social Services
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Graduation Year: 2
  • Bio:

    A graduate of the Faculty of Social Service, Helwan University, she worked in the field of community work, first in the year 2009 as a volunteer in the Coptic Orvans Organization, then working in the Future Lights Foundation as an administrative assistant, then three years ago she began working in the Episcopate of Services as a project coordinator in partnership with an embassy. Norway