Regional Program Alumni Network

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Sharif Muhammad Naqd Ali
Personal Information
  • Name: Sharif Muhammad Naqd Ali
  • Program: Diploma in developing financial resources for NGOs
  • Work Place: Director and owner of Zeus Technology Company - Zeus Technology Company - Giza - GTA
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Graduation Year: 2
  • Bio:

    He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Ain Shams University - Diploma in developing financial resources for civil society organizations - Current work: Owner and director of Zeus Technology Company - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Qorta Nubian Charitable Association and responsible for the Resource Development Committee (registered under No. 993) Year 1936) - My previous job was Director of Business Systems ERP/CRM at Abu Dhabi University - Programmer and senior administrator of the information bank at Abu Dhabi Investment Company - I obtained many certificates in programming, databases, website design, digital transformation, and project management (PMP).