Regional Program Alumni Network

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Hoda Ali Ahmed Ali
Personal Information
  • Name: Hoda Ali Ahmed Ali
  • Program: Diploma in developing financial resources for NGOs
  • Work Place: Lecturer, development trainer, institutional and academic in many projects, and executive director of the beloved Misr Foundation for Development
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Graduation Year: 2
  • Bio:

    Name / Hoda Ali Ahmed. Nickname: Hoda Al-Gazzar. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications, Cairo University. She holds an academic Master’s degree with an excellent grade with first class honors and a recommendation for publication and circulation with Arab and foreign universities. Doctoral researcher at Cairo University. Researcher in the Diploma in Financial Resources Development for Institutions, Executive Director of the Beloved Misr Foundation for Development, Development and Institutional Development Lecturer, Member of the Decent Life Foundation, Trainer in more than one project, such as the Women’s Economic Empowerment Project in cooperation with the Canadian Agency, a project. Owap and also an agricultural innovation project with the German agency Giz
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