Regional Program Alumni Network

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Refaat Mounir Abdel Halim Ali
Personal Information
  • Name: Refaat Mounir Abdel Halim Ali
  • Program: Professionalism in management and design of development projects
  • Work Place: Projects officer
  • Country: Yemen
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Bio:

    I work in the field of implementing diversification projects with (SMEPS Development Agency), Private Sector Projects Department, which is a development agency (non-profit organization). My experience is summed up in designing and implementing project activities for private sector development in all Yemeni cities during many project stages - the construction stage through to supervision and implementation processes and writing project reports. Where I have worked as a field surveyor, data collector, administrative assistant, project coordinator, assistant project officer, project officer, and currently a project supervisor. During my career at SMEPS, I gained experience in designing and developing economic empowerment projects, implementing project activities, designing budgets, achieving indicators, team management, communication, and dealing with all departments (finance - monitoring and evaluation - contracts - human resources - compliance - communication and communications - gender equality, social protection and the environment) In addition to communicating with the donor on a regular and monthly basis and submitting reports. Also, at the beginning of this year, I was assigned to manage and implement the activities of the coffee sector in the organization, which is a very interesting sector, and this sector is considered very raw in Yemen. During this year, we began to build interventions for the coffee sector (training, advisory services, and matching grants for production assets) to raise the capacity of Producers and the private sector, including associations, companies and exporters.
    On the other hand, I have. Experience in the field of marketing, maintenance and installation of medical devices and supplies for more than 3 years, where I worked in major medical device companies and hospitals, which allowed me to expand my experience in this field practically. I was able to use and understand more about medical devices and equipment.
    I obtained a bachelor's degree in biomedical device engineering and graduated in 2013 with an excellent grade. Before that, I obtained a professional diploma from a community college in the field of biomedical devices in 2010 with a very good grade