Regional Program Alumni Network

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Aya Walid Abdullah Abdul Wahab Noman Al-Fudul
Personal Information
  • Name: Aya Walid Abdullah Abdul Wahab Noman Al-Fudul
  • Program: Preparing a specialist in sustainable institutional development for civil society organizations.
  • Work Place: Branches Manager
  • Country: Yemen
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Bio:

    She has been working in the humanitarian field for more than fifteen years, in which she held several positions, including director of branches (currently) at the National Foundation for Cancer Control, director of international relations and projects, director of Dar Al-Hayat to shelter and care for cancer patients, and contributed to its establishment, and official of women and children at the same institution. .
    Participated in local and international conferences and activities.
    She has many volunteer efforts.
    She holds a high diploma in public relations
    She holds a BA in English
    She holds a diploma in non-governmental organization management.
    She aspires to be one of the pioneers of humanitarian work in the world.