Regional Program Alumni Network

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Shahba Ahmed Beljaad
Personal Information
  • Name: Shahba Ahmed Beljaad
  • Program: Misr El Khair Fellowship for “Sustainable Local Development Practitioner”
  • Work Place: Gharas Al-Khair Association for Women
  • Country: Yemen
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Bio:

    I currently work in the Gharas Al-Khair Association for Women and the program and projects officer for the Hadhramaut Businesswomen’s Forum and the Hadhramaut Inclusive Conference, Gail Bawazir Branch
    Trainer of trainers of the golden account program rh.mas
    She is a marriage counseling trainer and supervisor of the Family Legal Counseling and Psychological Support Unit at Gail Bouzier
    The most prominent projects are the project to support women’s rights and reduce gender-based violence (2020-2022), funded by the European Union and supported by the Search for Common Ground organization.