Regional Program Alumni Network

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Adnan Al-Mazari’s conclusion
Personal Information
  • Name: Adnan Al-Mazari’s conclusion
  • Program: Misr El Khair Fellowship for “Sustainable Local Development Practitioner”
  • Work Place: Consultant for entrepreneurship, creation and development of small projects, business developer in civil society institutions and international organizations
  • Country: Jordan
  • Graduation Year: 2023
  • Bio:

    Experience in preparing plans and training materials
    Trainer of sustainable development programs, communication and marketing skills

    Volunteer and community mobilizer
    Volunteer in the Women's Social and Economic Empowerment Project, the Finnish organization
    Leader of a youth initiative
    Volunteer within the team to accomplish my pioneering work
    An outreach worker within the Sawaed Community Empowerment Team
    Trainer in the field of creating and developing production and home kitchens
    Home projects developer
    A trainer in the field of home food production and product packaging within the Women’s Economic Empowerment Project / Nour Al-Hussein Foundation
    Trainer in the field of creative programs offered to young men and women as part of the program activities (Nahj for young men and women)
    Experience in studying and presenting gender-based violence programs
    Experience in studying and writing projects and working with international organizations in the areas of social and economic development and livelihood enhancement