Regional Program Alumni Network

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Amal Mahmoud Salama Ghawanmeh
Personal Information
  • Name: Amal Mahmoud Salama Ghawanmeh
  • Program: Civil organizations and the shift towards green practices
  • Work Place: Chairman of the Board of Directors of the “Land of Oaks Association for Environmental Development”
  • Country: Jordan
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Bio:

    I have been working in the field of journalism and media specializing in the environmental field for seven years as an independent journalist, during which I presented many different environmental and climate reports and investigations for several local and international news sites such as ( website - Raseef 22 website - Areej website for investigative journalism and others.. She worked as a media consultant and coordinator of media campaigns and development projects for national institutions.
    Leader of several environmental campaigns in northern Jordan, Irbid Governorate, which falls under the management of the Jordanian Ministry of Youth.
    Participation in committees organizing various environmental conferences at the national level, and a social activist in the fields of sustainable development.
    Founder and Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the “Ard Al-Sindyan Association for Environmental Development”, through which we have implemented several projects in the environmental field in line with the community’s need to raise the capabilities and skills necessary to adapt to the climate crisis and reduce the carbon footprint, in addition to awareness workshops on many environmental concepts and policies. The Jordanian Climate Council and finally joining the Youth Alliance for Environmental Development in Jordan, which works to enhance the role of the local community in political participation regarding the management of the climate issue, which in turn presented the National Communication Report (UPR).
    She holds a bachelor's degree in journalism and media from Yarmouk University, and 18 training certificates in the environmental and climate field and 24 training certificates in the journalistic and media field at the local and international levels.