Regional Program Alumni Network

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Siva ruled Isaac Boulos
Personal Information
  • Name: Siva ruled Isaac Boulos
  • Program: Civil organizations and the shift towards green practices
  • Work Place: Head of the Al Salam Castle Volunteer Team
  • Country: Iraq
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Bio:

    Current employer:
    Head of the Al Salam Castle Volunteer Team
    Siva Hekmat Ishaq
    Batch number 2024
    Iraq 🇮🇶
    Contact information
    Phone number:

    . She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education and Sports Sciences and holds a Diploma in Religious Sciences
    He holds a TOT certificate in the field of training
    I have obtained many courses and certificates
    I have been working as a community activist and human rights defender for ten years, and I still continue my work.
    Head of the Al Salam Castle volunteer team and director of the Community Solidarity Office for Sustainable Development
    Member of the Civilian Protection Team
    Member of the Community Police Forum team
    Member of the Women Leaders Team
    I work in the field of civil society organizations (non-profit organizations)
    I gained many skills and experiences
    I work as a coordinator of initiatives to build peace and community cohesion
    I worked as a team leader in local organizations
    I worked as a case manager for gender-based violence and wrote weekly and monthly reports