Regional Program Alumni Network

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Basma bint Muhammad Najib Al-Ferjani
Personal Information
  • Name: Basma bint Muhammad Najib Al-Ferjani
  • Program: Civil organizations and the shift towards green practices
  • Work Place: University of Sousse
  • Country: Tunisia
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Bio:

    Basma Al-Farjani
    From Tunisia
    Owner of a training and consulting structure specialized in renewable energies.
    She holds a doctorate in energy engineering from the National School of Engineers in Monastir.
    A founding member of many associations since 2009, such as the Young Chamber of Economics at the University of Sousse, the Tunisian Charitable Association, Sousse Branch, in 2012, and the Tunisian Association for Renewable Energies in 2013.
    It is formed in many fields, including the field of renewable energies, skills development, and the creation of emerging institutions...