Regional Program Alumni Network

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Al-Bashir Abu Al-Naeem
Personal Information
  • Name: Al-Bashir Abu Al-Naeem
  • Program: Civil organizations and the shift towards green practices
  • Work Place: President of the Sanad Al-Ajyal Association, Agadir (Morocco)
  • Country: Morocco
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Bio:

    Al-Bashir Abu Al-Naaim who is 35 years old is an active civil activist at the level of the Souss-Massa region in the Kingdom of Morocco. He holds a bachelor’s degree in private law at the Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences Ibn Zohr in Agadir in 2011, in addition to a specialized diploma in business management in 2013 and I currently work. An employee in the public sector, specifically in the High Commission for Planning, which is an independent public administration concerned with statistics and general reports in several areas such as population, housing, employment, and economic affairs in the country;
    Al-Bashir Abu Al-Na'im has been involved in collective work through a group of organizations and civil society associations since he was 15 years old, and he has achieved reasonable training in managing internal affairs within civil organizations.
    This gave him sufficient experience in actually engaging in civil work, through the establishment of the Sanad Al-Ajyal Agadir Association in 2014, which is an effective youth association, both in the Souss-Massa region and the Kingdom of Morocco, as well as in sub-Saharan African countries such as Benin, Cameroon, and Niger, where the association carries out a group of Initiatives in sustainable development, such as drilling wells and fetching water using solar energy, and many social, environmental and development initiatives, earned it respect and appreciation at the local, national and continental levels. It received numerous awards both locally and nationally and praise from ambassadors of African countries for the initiatives. Which we do at the continental level,
    The character of Al-Bashir Abu Al-Na’im was recently selected in January 2024 among the 100 best influential figures in volunteer work in the Arab world for the year 2023
    This will be more of an assignment than an honor and will give great motivation to Al-Bashir Abu Al-Na’im in order to continue with his ultimate goal of contributing to achieving sustainable development and spreading the culture of volunteer civil work in the hearts of young people and young people.