Regional Program Alumni Network

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Nour al-Huda Sinan
Personal Information
  • Name: Nour al-Huda Sinan
  • Program: Leading the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
  • Work Place: The field of development training and upbringing
  • Country: Lebanon
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Bio:

    I have been working in the field of training and development education for 7 years, during which I provided many training in the fields of
    Community development, building the capabilities of civil individuals, developing development projects, and cooperating within work teams in several local and international bodies and organizations (local and scout organizations - the European Union - the International Relief Organization - the Network of Arab Non-Governmental Organizations for Development)
    Within the field of implementing development projects, I participated in implementing a project that integrates people with disabilities with the rest of society by designing a road that achieves tourism justice and allows them to reach the seashore. In addition to participating in framing development priorities for youth in the Arab region and discussing their role in the development and political paths in the Arab region, it is considered a prelude to attaching the outcomes and recommendations of the Regional Youth Forum to a final document to convey the voice of youth in it to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, through the Regional Youth Forum, which brought together Members from 9 Arab countries. This is in addition to health development participation in awareness training with the International Relief Organization.
    She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Finance and Banking from the Lebanese University in Lebanon 2020, and a Master’s degree in Operational Risk within Banks (Finance and Financial Institutions) from the Lebanese University 2023.