Regional Program Alumni Network

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Marwa Hamed Mahmoud Ahmed
Personal Information
  • Name: Marwa Hamed Mahmoud Ahmed
  • Program: Leading the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
  • Work Place: Project coordinator and field work manager
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Bio:

    • I started my professional life at Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies as a field researcher since 2004 and participated in all opinion polls related to political life in Egypt until 2010 - and then I moved on to work in many research bodies (research and study centers - Governmental institutions and international organizations - consulting offices) which carry out opinion polls and evaluate national projects and general surveys, and I graduated in work until I became a project coordinator and director of field work. One of the most important places that I have worked with and participated in the studies that it has implemented since 2010 until now) is the International Population Council. - Slum Development Fund - American University - National Center for Social and Criminological Research - Center for Support and Decision Making at the Council of Ministers - Ministry of Communications - Ministry of Social Solidarity - Ministry of Transport - Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics - National Council for Women - Investment Authority - Multiple consulting offices that implement studies For some international organizations under the supervision of the Egyptian government - the Food Bank - the Shepherd of Egypt Foundation - Baseera Center for Public Opinion Research (
    • One of the most prominent skills I acquired over the course of 20 years of field work (carrying out many field studies on political, social and environmental life in Egypt - evaluating various development projects and evaluating the impact of projects on beneficiaries - submitting detailed analytical reports on projects and evaluating their impact - advanced skills in designing... And managing opinion questionnaires - communicating effectively with various societal groups - analyzing data and extracting results - writing reports and research studies - working within a team - solving problems and making decisions - managing work teams effectively - communicating with various stakeholders - implementing projects accurately and efficiently
    Most prominent projects:
    • Solidarity and Dignity Project) Responsibility of the entry unit to register eligible cases - Field work in all governorates of Egypt to evaluate the impact of the project in cooperation with the World Bank (
    • Decent Life Initiative (Decent Life Coordinator for Alexandria Governorate - Managing a team of researchers to inventory homes deserving of decent housing - Counting cases of aid and rapid interventions - Coordination with participating entities)
    - Survey of the “Food Security and Agricultural Business Support Project in Rural Areas in Upper Egypt” - Project on Completely Abandoning the Harmful Practices of Female Genital Mutilation - Post-test to evaluate the “Project to Improve School Health Services in Upper Egypt” - Survey of Childhood Poverty in Insecure Areas - Studies on Financial Inclusion -Priorities and needs of the Egyptian citizen - Digital transformation in the villages of a decent life - Environmental impact studies for the development projects of the Abu Qir train and the Raml tram in Alexandria - Community discussion sessions in the areas where the high-speed electric train passes)
    She holds a Bachelor of Arts from the Department of Egyptian History and Antiquities, Alexandria University - a final-year student with a Master’s degree in Sustainable Development, specializing in economics, at the National Planning Institute