Regional Program Alumni Network

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Ali Ahmed Darwa
Personal Information
  • Name: Ali Ahmed Darwa
  • Program: Professionalism in management and design of development projects
  • Work Place: Life makers
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Bio:

    Ali Ahmed Darwa, graduate of Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Education, Master’s student in Medical Facilities Management, Ain Shams University, holder of PMDP from the American University, holder of the Misr Al-Khair Fellowship for Local Development Practice, holder of the Professional Project Management Course from the Misr Al-Khair Foundation, holder of the Development Project Management Course from the Misr Al-Khair Foundation Life Makers has been working in field work since 2012 as a facilitator in a literacy class, then a teacher training officer, then I worked as a project manager for Science is Power. In 2014, I was the director of the Insan Project, which aims to provide a small project for underprivileged families. In 2019, I worked in the financial resources department at the Life Makers Foundation. In 2020, I was working as the director of clinics and the specialized dialysis unit at the Life Makers Association for Charitable Works. Until now, in 2022, I was the director of the Halal Sustenance Project, which aims to provide the basic needs of deserving families. 2024 I established a philanthropist team to serve the people of the village in order to provide the basic needs of living ❤️< /p>