Regional Program Alumni Network

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Ahmed Mohamed Ramadan Khalil
Personal Information
  • Name: Ahmed Mohamed Ramadan Khalil
  • Program: Professionalism in management and design of development projects
  • Work Place: Ministry of Education
  • Country: Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Graduation Year: 2024
  • Bio:

    🔴Head of the Electronic Payment Department, Al-Qassasin Educational Administration, Ismailia 🔴Bachelor of Business Administration and Computer Science 2005AD 🔴Diploma in Information Systems 2007AD 🔴Master of Business Administration 2019AD 🔴President of the Arab Federation for Training and Human Resources Development in Ismailia 🔴Professional Doctorate in Business Administration 2021AD 🔴General Director of Smart Academy Target Academy 2023 AD 🔴 Founder of Plan It agency for electronic marketing, advertising campaigns and communication platforms 2024 AD 🔴 Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dialysis Association in the city of Al-Qassasin. 🔴Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Afnan Charity Association in Ismailia 🔴Financial Director of the Egyptian Air Scouts Association 🔴Member of the Youth Committee at the Egyptian Family House 🔴Member of the Arab Trainers Salon 🔴Treasurer of the Arab Youth Union for Creativity and Innovation 🔴Owner and Director of the Google Store Electrical Appliances Exhibition 🔴General Coordinator of the International Conference of the Union Al-Arabi for Training and Human Resources Development ✓ At the Palma Abu Sultan Hotel, 2022 AD ✓ The second is the Hawaii Riviera Hotel, Hurghada, 2023 AD ✓ The third is the Miral Hotel, Ain Sokhna, 2024 AD 👈 He has received many trainings, including:_ 👍 Leadership preparation from the American University in Virginia 👈 TOT training from the American University In the state of Virginia 👈 Advanced trainer from the Arab Federation for Training 👈 Communication and communication skills 👈 Professional government official from the National Training Academy 👈 Charismatic leader from the Arab Federation for Training 👈 IQ thinking skills Prisoner and educational guidance 👈 Economic education program at the Misr Baladi Party 👈 Political education program for local leaders in the Misr Party My country 👈 Preparing future leaders and digital leaders 👈 E-marketing 👈 Cyber ​​personal security, information security, and accounts 👈 Photoshop and Illustrator designers course 👈 Digital Scout Course for the General Federation of Scouts and Guides 👈 Human Resources Course HR 👈 Global foundations of leadership, the three levels 1, 2, and 3 👈 New Personality Program